Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Another letter from Hadyn......

Yes, I did marry Anne Williams and Jimmie married Kathleen Ellinas, Anne and Kathleen worked together at the Knees stores in Penzance. Jimmie worked with Billy Hall on the railway. Billy was an Uncle to Anne. - - Are you older or younger than Jimmie?. I believe Kathleen had a sister Theodora Ellinas. 
I don't really know Anthony Willis, other than he was at the Boardschool. He was a very quiet lad who didn't participate in any general activities  during playground breaks etc. He would always be seen in a corner of the yard with a book in his hands. That's how I remember him. I wasn't surprised when many years later, that article appeared in the Cornishman newspaper. 
We are nearing the end of our Christmas Day and a nice time was had by all.
A Merry Christmas to you all.

Weren't we lucky, four boys with all those lovely girls - - - and I married one of them. . .  Haydn

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