When I volunteer in a nearby middle school, (the school in which for 7 years I oversaw teacher candidates when I was Site Professor in UCD's teacher ed. program) I always ask the teacher if the kids can sit and work in groups of four... |
And when I run a science workshop for teachers/kids, I always set up a science table
and lay out my pocket museums and resources required for the activities |
And share my enthusiasm for science... |
And put in place what I've always done in a classroom.... |
Since retiring (2011) from my lifetime's work (starting in 1963) teaching children and teaching teachers (running a long-time teacher preparation program, visiting scores of classrooms, mentoring umpteen new and experienced teachers, lecturing at university, running science classes for children and adults, and, long ago, teaching upper juniors and advising others about using science in their classrooms), I've often been asked: "Why don't you formalize and set up a mentoring program?"
Well, no, that's not what I want to do, but, here's my internet shot at that - to make use of my existing BLOG (and my google site: https://sites.google.com/site/johnpaullssciencesite/ ) and create a post in my blog which I describe my teacher planning for the start of a new term with elementary kids and the tried and tested procedures/ideas that I have used/use/will always continue to use in my teaching - 'cos, for me, they work!
IF any reader would like to communicate with me for conversation about teaching or to acquire one of the countless articles (science and other things to do with classroom practice) I've written, s/he could either add a BLOG comment or write to me:
OK, here goes. Here's my first attempt, one, I'm sure, I'll constantly edit :) and change and add to.
Basics, first:
I'm going to describe what I would do/have done, in my classrooms with children aged between 7 and 11 - let's say, 30 of them - in my ideal teaching space.
I'm assuming that I can turn the clock back and will start teaching a new class in a new school at the beginning of a new academic year. I know that if it were today, there would be so many tests to put in place to find out this and that and the other about one's new class..........I'm assuming, when I describe my community build activities below that they fit in and around the necessary compulsory testing.
OK, here goes:
At the appropriate time, when I've had a holiday break, done all the gardening and house reparation that needed doing, I begin to think (and worry) more and more about school, my new class and what lies ahead. I know what needs to be done. I know before I start the new year with a new group of kids I need to:
- check in with the Principal and hear what s/he has to say about my kids and his/her expectations
- arrange with the principal a meeting with the parents about a week before school starts. I've always found this really useful as it gives the parents some insight into their child's new teacher. - and gives me insights into my parents and their expectations. I fix up meeting times with anyone who wants to talk with me privately.
- ask if there's any need for me to make a home visit before school begins - perhaps there's a student with significant issues whose parents would want a confidential chat with me
- read and reread through the school records of my new class and check if there any significant issues I need to know about - perhaps contact the teachers who have worked with my new class.
- go to school and see what my new classroom space is like - then do what I can to create the ideal classroom - ideal for me, that is, and hopefully, ideal for my new students. I need to make sure the teaching and learning design of the classroom is as I want it AND that I have plenty of community-building ideas to use, as I will want my kids to sense that they (and me, their teacher) belong to a community of learners.
- find out where school keeps its teacher/student resources, and take what I need asap.
What's my ideal teaching classroom/space ? Well, I'll, of course, take what I'm given, but I hope it's a classroom that has plenty of space for me and the kids to move around, good wall display opportunities, a large whiteboard, tables and chairs/cushions for my 30 children to sit in groups of four, suitable accessible storage for the class's resources, windows that oversee the outdoors where we can see the clouds and the sun, and where I would place a bird feeder and water container - oh, and close proximity to hooks for coats and restrooms.
My classroom has, I hope, what I call a work area, preferably tiled, with access to water and worktops, and a carpeted community area where children can sit on cushions comfortably on the floor. I hope there's hooks on the walls for me to suspend string from the wall corners and ceiling for me to eventually hang children's work. I hope there's a table with drawers and comfortable chair for me, close to a technology corner where there's four or five computers and a couple of printers. I hope there's a book rack and plenty of wall space to display messages for the kids, and hang things on. I hope there's a good space for my old bookcase, converted long ago into a plant and small creature home.
My classroom 1973 |
Book rack |
Science corner |
As the opening day of the term approaches, as I become more and more pre-occupied in my head with what lies ahead, I just HAVE go to school as soon as I can and set up my room.
So, off I go to my new school, find my room, open the door, and stare...............
- Because of who I am and what intrigues/fascinates me, I look around wanting to make sure my teaching space can accommodate points of interest, like, for example, the spider house in the picture above, that I have in the back of my car, brought in from home. I bring it into my classroom and set it up. Notice in the picture above the cushions and the picture reference books that are close by. These books are a mix of my personal copies, books from the school library, others on long-term loan from the local public library.
The science table will be resourced with magnifying glasses,
timers, balances, and anything else that helps my kids see and learn more
about what's on display. |
- Close to the window I begin transforming my room by creating a science/discovery/nature table, on which I set a range of Mother Nature's delights. This table, placed against a wall with display space, will, I hope, be constantly changing, and will be owned and managed by everyone in the classroom. Children will be assigned weekly to keep it neat and tidy.
- OK, that done, I move the small tables and chairs and arrange the seating in fours (ideally, two boys, two girls) around small work tables. Then, I catch my breath, sit for a bit and I write the names of occupants and leave it in the middle of each table. I know I shall keep changing the group membership until I have it right. Ideally, a group will comprise two boys, two girls, covering a range of culture and ability, who get on well with each other. I will set numerous community-building activities in the early days so that the team of four develop a working/social rapport.
- Next, I check where to put my resources (those needed by the kids, that is, and those that will be needed by me) and make sure I have enough of this and that and the other (!) and that everything is accessible to the students. Again, eventually children will be assigned to look after the resources.
- I write each student's name on a lollipop stick and place them all in a jar and tighten the lid.
- I then make a library/reading corner, complete with a couple of cushions brought from home, set out some books, another table for art near the classroom water supply, and then another for mathematics (similar in style to my science/nature table).
Then I go to the school's resource area and take what I and what my kids need - especially pencils, pens, glue sticks, reference books, art materials, magnifying glasses, etc.
When everything is as I think I want it, for the time being, anyway, I stand by the door and take yet another look around............oh, yes, I can see forgot to cover all the wall display areas with colored paper and give each one a heading (for example, CLASS NEWS, CLASS PICTURES, NEW YORK TIMES Tuesday SCIENCE TIMES, The WORLD of SCIENCE, The WORLD of MATHEMATICS, BOOK of the MONTH, CLASSROOM RULES, CLASS ART)! Oh, I also need to write my name on a large white poster and mount it on a stick........I'll place it outside so the kids know where to line up when they hear the first whistle/bell.
A couple of hours or so later, when I've done what was needed, and it looks all set to go, I check yet again to ensure I have what I most need for the first day that will focus on community-building activities - lots of paper bags, cottonwood twigs, small empty tins, the lollipop (oops, sorry, I mean popsicle) sticks, and my pocket museum. I put the bags and twigs and tins by the teacher's chair, pick up my special (the first ever) pocket museum, fill up the bird feeder and bird bath, and head for home.........my mind abuzz.
Of course, as already mentioned, in the preceding weeks and days, I've already given a great deal of thought to the boys and girls who will be in my class. I know from detailed reports the levels of achievement in reading, writing and arithmetic. I also know from staffroom conversations about those who have challenged their teachers for whatever reason. I know from meetings with my Special Ed. colleagues which children will require special attention. I'll know as soon as school starts from staffroom gossip which parents will be most helpful to me - and otherwise. Knowing all this, though, I did not purposefully put certain kids together on their tables. For Day One, it's more to do with a balance of boys and girls (2 and 2, if that is mathematically possible which it never is).
All of the above, of course, takes up more than it should of my summer break, but, hey, being prepared in every way possible is worth every minute.
OK. Now that I've been in school and set it up as best I can, I now have everything ready for Day One, everything I need to begin teaching in my classroom that I hope, physically and emotionally, meets the needs of my students, a learning environment based on mutual respect, co-ownership/responsibility of resources, with an over-riding atmosphere of respect and desire for learning.
My science table 1974 |
DAY ONE.......... just before the kids come in.
I'm sure the night before the kids come to school will be a sleepless, restless night for me ( it was always the same for me, year after year, term after term: I would spent half the night worrying about this and that and the other. Does that ring a pretty loud bell with you? I bet it does:) ).
Up and off early, I'll stop at the nearest Starbucks, get my black coffee, get to school (perhaps) before everyone else, put an orb web spider into the spider house that has light, soil and plants, and fiddle around in my classroom, moving perhaps a chair or table into yet another new spot, check for the millionth time the teaching and learning resources - especially the pens and pencils - writing and rewriting the date and the sequence of the day's events on the board.
Then, as school time approaches, I walk around the school and say 'hello' to my new colleagues, and when the yard fills with kids and parents, I'll go outside, smile broadly, stand by my name tag, ready to meet my new class.........
When the whistle is blown and the kids line up by my name tag, I'll lead them to the classroom door and, beginning the day's emphasis on community building ( the first day spent entirely on this saves many hours of teaching frustration throughout the forthcoming year!), shake everyone by the hand as they come into the classroom. As the boys and girls hang up their coats and bags, I'll invite them to sit around me on the carpeted floor.
When everyone is around me, I do a quick headcount, ensuring that everyone is with me......then, clearing my throat, I look around, making eye contact with each of my new class members, I'll introduce myself, and, as I speak, I slowly take a pocket museum (an old OXO tin) from my pocket.
Showing my wishing rock at a recent workshop.... |
My wishing rock and amber - found on a beach by me on my fifth birthday........
I'll stare at it, and by doing so, help create an appropriate atmosphere of curiosity and (fingers crossed) thus grab the rapt attention of my class.
What's in the tin, they wonder. WHAT IS IN THE TIN?
It ALWAYS works!
"This," I say in my quietest voice, "is my pocket museum." I fiddle with it for a bit and open it ………slowly. Inside is a small pebble - a wishing rock - I found many, many years ago. I'll take it out of the tin, and put
the wishing rock in the palm of my hand. Using my softest voice, I'll tell the class why it’s
important to me (I found it on my 5th birthday, 67 years ago).
There's always an Oooh, Aaah reaction to this story and plenty of questions. " Can you really send wishes, Mr. Paull?"
I smile. "What do you think?" I ask. I tell them what happened when I sent my mum my very first wish. She told me that she felt the wish - it gave her a tingle down her spine! From that day to this, I tell them, I have sent oodles and doodles of wishes........:)
With appropriate ceremony, I go through the sending a wish routine, and tell the class that my wish to them with come around 5 pm....they'll feel the tingle down the spine......:)
I'll put the rock back in the tin, close it and put it back in my pocket. Then, as I now HAVE the class's attention, I open another tin and take out a handful of cottonwood twigs that I collected over the summer. I'll pass them around the class, asking the boys and girls to take one taped pack of three each.
I'll hold one twig aloft and ceremoniously break it at the growth scar. Unless I'm REALLY unlucky, I find a beautiful star inside the twig which I show and pass around and show to the kids. There's always plenty of Ooohs and Aaahs.
I then will tell them the
Native American legend I first heard when working in Wounded Knee, South Dakota, many years ago, the legend that all stars in the sky come from the cottonwood trees that grow in the earth below our
The Secret of the Star…..
Some Native Americans believe
all things come from Mother Earth.
They believe that stars form in the earth
and search for the roots of the magical cottonwood trees.
They finally come to rest in the small twigs at the
end of the cottonwood branches. Here, they wait.................until they are
When the Spirit of the Night Sky decides that she needs more twinkling,
beautiful stars, she calls on the Wind Spirit to shake all the cottonwood
The Wind Spirit blows and
blows, and as the cottonwood twigs break off, the twinkling stars are released
and race up to a special place in the Night
If YOU want to add a new star to the night sky, find some secret
cottonwood twigs, wait for a clear night, and hold up your twigs to the sky -
and SNAP!
Then, look up into the night
sky again.
Can you see YOUR star twinkling?
Imagine - you have added a beautiful new star to the
night sky kingdom......
"Now," I say, "break yours........and release your star."
After lots more Ooohs and Aaahs, I tell the kids how I look forward to everyone shining like a star!!
By now it's time for the children to introduce themselves to each other, so I ask them to take their seats around their tables, greet their new partners, face me and listen to the instructions for the Picasso in a bag!! activity.
It’s easy to resource and easy to put in action. All
each student needs is a large paper bag, a marker pen, and a sheet of white
I'll model the process by putting my white paper inside
the bag. Holding my pen in hand, I'll rest it on the middle of the paper and let
the bag cover my hand. Then I'll look at a person next to me, and without looking
inside the bag, I proceed to draw his/her face.
When I’ve finished, I ask the students to look at
the person closest to them and do what I did – draw the person’s face,
resisting the temptation to look in the bag! The room goes quiet as the
students draw, and then erupts into laughter when
the results are shared. (The drawing then can be saved and, later, displayed on the wall near the white board).
OK.......stage one of building my community is over. It's now morning snack/break/recess time. I'll go outside with the kids and interact with them - if and when that is appropriate.
At the end of the break, I'll again stand by the door and shake everyone's hand as they enter the room. They go to their seats. I stand at the front of the class, point to the science table and talk briefly about what's on show there, emphasizing that it belongs to them and thus will constantly change.
I point to the spider house and tell them a little about its occupant. "Hopefully," I tell the class, "the spider will make a beautiful web...........let's check it each day and see what she's up to."
Next, I explain where things are kept, take a few questions, and point to the board and explain how the rest of the day will play out. Then I ask the class to write some personal detail to go with their Picasso picture, saying that I will stick all the pictures on the wall.......
As they scratch their heads and begin to write, I circulate and interact with as many as kids as I can..........
When everyone has completed their Picasso picture personal detail, I give everyone a sheet entailed:
WHERE'S THIS KEPT IN OUR CLASSROOM? - this comprises a list of resources which the children quickly have to find.
That done, I then set a challenge for each team of 4 - either build a bridge from newspaper that links one table to another, OR, build a tower from newspaper that reaches and touches the ceiling. The resources required for this activity are newspaper and sticky tape.
When each team finishes, I walk around the room and I test the strength of each bridge/tower (a rock is placed at the middle of each bridge/I place an orange at the top of each tower).
OK.........I check the clock.......that's the morning done......it's lunchtime.
I go in the lunchroom and sit with some of my kids and check how the morning has gone.....then I go to the yard, again interact where and when appropriate, and watch.
After lunch, we'll gather together on the carpet. This is the time I set aside for questions and comments..........and is often a lively and useful time, especially for anyone still nervous and/or shy. I begin the process by taking out a lollipop (sorry, popsicle) stick from the jar and read out the name: "Jack, you ok? Enjoying the day so far? Any questions for me?" Then another stick, and another.......
I explain the seating arrangements and tell the kids that it will be different the next day........and that I'll continue to move people around until /I/we have got it right. I ask for volunteers to look after everything that's in the room, and then write the names on a large sheet which I stick on the wall (looking after the science table, the spider house, art resources, library books, etc.)
When that's done, I suggest we have time to talk with each other, using our INSIDE voices.
It's now mid afternoon...............time for me to hand out an empty tin for each student ('Hey, here's your first pocket museum tin') and a Scavenger Hunt sheet and then go outside for about 15 minutes.
I'll take the class to the school lawn and talk about the scavenger hunt activity, stressing that they check off the list as they find what they are looking for, and that only ONE thing is to be collected and put into the tin.
Here's the Scavenger Hunt sheet:
‘I’m a Collector’
When you go for a walk, don’t disturb the small
that live outside. It’s their home.
if you can find………….
Something green
Something red
Something yellow
Something brown
Something black
Something pointy
A blade of grass
longer than your index finger
A piece of petrified
An animal track
A piece of bark
A spider web
A feather
A pine cone eaten by
a squirrel
A heart-shaped rock
A pebble smaller
than a dime
A pebble the same
size as a quarter
A wishing rock
A white pebble
A black pebble
A leaf skeleton
Something a bird
would eat
A dead branch as
long as your thumb
A flower
A flower seed
A tree seed
A twig with pine
bark beetle galleries
Some moondust!!
Something really,
REALLY cool!
When we return to our room, we'll sit in a circle and show and share the really cool things we found, and then place them on the science table.
I'll end the day by asking them to take home their tin, decorate it if they wish, and put something special inside and bring it to school on Day Two, and share with their class.
I thank them for a dead good day and hope they have the best of evenings........
When the kids have gone, I sit and think back on what I learned about them during the first day. I make a few notes: what/who stood out in my mind? What, if anything, will they bring in to share tomorrow? How was the grouping?
I gather the Picasso pictures and stick them on the wall near the white board, set out the resources the class will need first thing in the morning, check that the spider has everything she needs, then I go home, sip a glass (or three) of wine, and start worrying again........:).
Did I do everything I wanted to do? Let's go through the checklist: cottonwood stars, Picasso, OXO pocket museum, scavenger hunt, showed the kids all the resources, talked about the science table, looking after the spider house, used the jar with the kids' names on the lollipop sticks.............yep. Did all those things. Good. OK. now, tomorrow.......
READER: I have stuff I've written about the wishing rock, how to make a pocket museum, the secret of the cottonwood star, and Picasso in a bag. If you'd like me to email you a copy of any of them, just let me know.
So, Day Two.........what lies ahead?
Well, here's my plan:
Change the seating, have a show and tell pocket museum time, describe the function of the Treasure Chest, table team challenge, read something from The Science section in Tuesday's NYT and post it on the display board near the science table, negotiate/discuss class rules and responsibilities, agree student jobs (feeding the birds, checking on the spider, etc.) my hopes for the year, give out writing books, text books for mathematics, start reading a story to the class.....
Can't wait to show my kids this Sphinx moth that I found.........I'll put it into a pocket museum
and show them first thing in the morning. Just doing that will tell them more about me....... |
As day 2 is a Tuesday, I'll start reading the Science Section in the NYT
and see if there's anything that is appropriate
and interesting to read to the kids |
I'll put these out on the science table |
I'll show them the Class Treasure Box |
and, and and, and............
OK, Day Two
Early start, as usual, strong coffee at Starbucks, I double check I take everything I need for the day ahead(the NYT, stuff for the science table, empty food cartons, my diary and notebook, etc, etc.) stop at the nearest Starbucks' for a hot, medium strength coffee, get to school, go to my room and shut the door.
The first I do is get the resources on the tables for the morning's team challenge: Make a marble run.
I put out a large piece of cardboard, strips of paper, tape and a marble on each table.
This is what the kids will do:
Make a marble run,
using the paper strips as runway for the descending marble.
Place a couple of books under one end of the
marble run.
Did the marble run without stopping from top to
What happens when you alter the height of the ramp?
happens when you DOUBLE the height of the ramp?
Can you
make a VERTICAL marble run? Is it BETTER than the marble run you rested on a
! Think
about the following questions. Guess
before testing.
- How long does it
take the marble to run from the top of the run to the bottom?
- How can you make
it faster?
- Can you make a
VERTICAL marble run?
- What else could
you investigate?
Then I put my latest sciency finds on the science table:
Dead wood with sap..........lying alongside a piece of amber which, millions of years ago,
started its life as sap |
Some shells from my holiday.... |
A mushroom from the front garden |
OK, when everything's ready I go out in the yard before the whistle goes and chat with some of the parents.
When my class lines up at the sound of the whistle, I'll go inside, ready to greet each one of them at the door. I shake everyone's hand, and ask the class to sit around on the floor as soon as they have put away their coats and bags.
I'll read out the attendance sheet, asks who's staying for lunch, and then, after a pause, I take out my pocket museum that has the moth inside.
"See what I found yesterday." I show my kids the moth, telling them I found it lying dead outside IKEA........"See, you never know what you're going to find if you keep your eyes wide open!"
After telling them what I know about the moth, I put the pocket museum in the Class Treasure Chest.
"Anyone wants to take a closer look at the moth, it's in the Treasure Chest. Use a magnifying glass, though......don't touch it with your fingers, please. OK? OK, showtime! Who has anything to share? who put something interesting in their pocket museums?"
Up go the hands.
When all the sharing is done, I tell everyone to put their pocket museums in the Treasure Chest, go to their new tables, and take on the team marble run challenge.
I visit every table and watch the kids at work, sharing ideas, agreeing on the best way to do this, that and the other.This activity takes us up to morning recess/break time and tells me more about who really should be sitting with whom....
After recess, we again sit in a circle and negotiate and agree classroom rules - which I try to keep at a minimum and focus more on what students CAN do as opposed to what they CAN'T do. When the rules are confirmed, I write them on a large sheet and display on a wall. Now it's time for sorting out the other class responsibilities (looking after the work tables, for example) and, again, writing and displaying them on the wall.
OK.........all done, I hope. Now we need to start the curriculum teaching and learning routines. I will make necessary changes/additions when the time is ripe, especially the permanent seating arrangements.
So, time to make their own personal journal covers from food cartons ......
This box, one of many that I bring in to the classroom, will be cut
and used for the front and back of the student's private journal |
When the atmosphere is at its best, when the classroom is buzzing, I stand up and show the class a plastic bottle, quarter filled with water. I turn the bottle upside down over a bowl. I take off the top. As the water runs out, creating momentarily, a vacuum inside the bottle, the air and the atmosphere of excited learning rushes in. I immediately screw the top back on.
I wave the bottle around.
I'll ask my class to think about what I’ve done. I have, of course, captured the time and the moment, the smells and the atmosphere of curiosity and excitement, all locked up forever in the bottle...........Think about it......:) I stick a label on the bottle and write the time and the date.......and tell my class that there, forever, we have captured a special moment. The bottle will be the first of many.
When we've finished sharing, I tell everyone to put their tins in the class treasure box.......when that's done, I ceremoniously place the bottle on a shelf, and we get on with our day's work.
During the day, I take note of the success or otherwise of the new seating arrangements, noting where I need to make changes on day 3.
To finish the day, I tell my class about my collection of tins and bottles......
My community of learners are on their way.
The rest is easy peasy.........:)
Let the learning begin.......
Hey, hey.......ain't it great working with motivated, engaged kids?
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