Thursday, April 4, 2019

MLF's Mother's star....................

MLF's Mum's star...............


In 1969, I lived and worked on the Oglalla Sioux Reservation in Wounded Knee, South Dakota, 
as part of a project created by 
David Hawkins, he of Manhattan Bomb Project and, later, ESS, fame. 

Pat Pumpkin Seed, one of the tribal elders, shared this story with me
during a walk he and I took in The Badlands:

The Secret of the Star…..

"My people believe all things
come from Mother Earth.

 We believe that stars form in the earth and, when ready,
 search for the roots of the magical cottonwood trees.

They finally come to rest in the small twigs
at the end of the cottonwood branches.

Here, they wait.................until they are needed.

When the Spirit of the Night Sky decides that she needs more twinkling, beautiful stars, she calls on
the Wind Spirit to shake all the cottonwood trees.

The Wind Spirit blows and blows, and, 
as the cottonwood twigs 
break off, 
the twinkling stars are released
and race up to a special place in the Night Sky.

If YOU want to add a new star to the night sky,
find some cottonwood twigs, wait for a clear night,
and hold up your twigs to the sky –

and SNAP!  

Then, look up into the night sky again.
Can you see YOUR star twinkling?


You have added a beautiful new star 
to the kingdom of the night sky......"

Last night I released a star for my dear friend, 
MLF, who has just lost her mother................

Her mother's star will twinkle forever...................