Sunday, May 10, 2020

Today's walk...............May 10th

Having made surprise contact with Rosie, my brother's 25 year old (!) daughter, I went for a long walk, thinking about this and that and the other, careful to avoid the mass of ants, all going to or returning from their nearest ANTMART, mouths full of delicious delights to share with their huge families.............................

The grasshoppers were busy, too, and so were the big black beetles...........................

Hey, hey, Mother Nature.............thank you............but, if you don't mind me asking, can you take the wind away and give it to someone else?


Missing my science class


3rd month into the coronavirus lockdown, three months of no science class with the seniors in Eldorado.....................and it had been running for over a year, each and every Monday.

I did try to set up a virtual class using Google Hangout but there werent enough takers, so I'll just wait until all this is over and start again..........................

Occasionally members of the class (many former scientists, teachers, academics, some from Los Alamos, oldest member Peggy, 98!) would take the class............

Former teacher Linda's presentation, for example,  on feathers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,was quite brilliant!! Kept everyone engaged for the entire class. Good job, L the P!!

It was the last but one class before Christmas....................Linda gave a super talk on the science of bird feathers.......and she had so many feathers to show the audience.

Jack, a relatively new member of my Senior Scientist class at the nearby Adams Senior Centre,  held us all in his hand also when he took the class......telling us about his passion for the study of time. He had obviously spent hours researching the topic and presented his information in a quiet voice, showing us many examples of his watch collection, and providing well crafted handouts.

Jack spoke for just an hour, holding everyone's attention.

 Big audience, too.............20 people came.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

May 1st, 1912

It was my Dad's, Arthur Charles,  birthday on Friday, May was, in fact, his 108th birthday! 108...................oh, my........................

Long gone, but never forgotten, I took him with me in my head on my morning hike to Galisteo Water Preserve, a beautiful trail not too far from home, one of huge white, jagged rocks, countless pinion trees, cacti, yucca, and , of course, sandy desert soil.

As I walked, I pointed out everything of interest to Dad.........he'd never been to a desert before, and was so taken aback to see the spiders, the beautiful flowering cacti..............and the long tailed lizards...........and especially the little goldfish I feed that live in the horse trough next to the windmill.

When I saw and picked up a small wishing rock, he smiled......................."Can you remember the Sunday afternoons we used to go to the beach and pick up wishing rocks?'

Oh, yes, I can I ever forget. It was those walks with my mum and dad that were the highlight of my childhood...............

When I got back home, Jeannine, my wife,  smiled so warmly when I told her that Arthur Charles had been with me..........

Bless you, Dad................bless you.....fancy another walk soon?

A voice from the past...........and then another...

Yesterday when I checked my email there was a letter from a colleague of yesteryear.............from Beryl, a teacher I worked alongside when I returned to classroom teaching  in 1972!

Beryl, um, now 70...............apparently has been reading my boring blog and decided to reach out and connect.

AND, that, made my day!!

THANK you, Beryl.................and, as they say in Cornwall, bless your cotton socks!!

Beryl and I now will email/text on a regular basis...........WOW!!

AND, today, May 10th, another super email surpise!

A letter from ROSIE, my late brother Charles' daughter............out of the blue.
Apparently Rosie came across this blog, and, hey, wrote to me and that made MY day!!!

Thank you, Rosie.........................Bless your cotton socks!

Emails coming your way!!