Monday, March 30, 2020

Pocket Museums and Treasure Jars

Here's a Coronavirus activity

When I go for a short solo walk, avoiding anyone else out there and, of course, wearing my mask, I do what I always do.........................keep my eyes on the ground, avoiding the ants out searching for food, hoping to see something that catches my eye.

If/when I bring back a little something special, I'm now putting it into a pocket museum, (a small tin) labelled COROAVIRUS walk..............glued in place and dated. It then goes into my huge collection.................:)

 If it's something really eye catching, I put it into a TREASURE JAR, a small, clean marmalade jar.

I've got quite a collection already. Of course!! Um, at the last count, over a thousand........................can't help it. I'm obsessed with keeping Mother Nature's delights, and objects that remind me of days gone by............

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