Saturday, April 4, 2020

3 weeks of staying at home

21 days of staying at home....................with Jeannine, Bertie and Fifi, I'm glad to say.

Here's the daily routine:

Wide awake at 4 in the morning, my mind wanders around, usually focusing on childhood memories..........I fall asleep and wake again around 5ish..............its gray outside...........I nof off again and wake up after 6..........I get out of bed and open the curtains, wanting to watch the slow sunrise, waiting for its rays to hit the top of a tree just outside the bedroom window.

Brekkie at 7ish, particularly enjoying the cup or two of hot tea, then back to bed for an hour's cuddle with Bertie and Fifi.

8.30, time to get up...................

I go outside, collect rainwater from one of the water tanks, and water the front garden and the two new young trees at the back. Then, I collect the NYT, read the headlines, and bwegin to work on my Coronavirus journal.

Lunch around 11.30, followed by another nap, usuall with Bertie.

1.30, up and more journaling, and, weather permitting, a longish walk around the loop, hoping to see a beetle or two...........

Back home after 3, more journaling.
Dinner at 6, then CNN to hear the sad/bad news of the day, and bed at 8.15ish...........oh, a beer and two glasses of white wine are part of the TV time.

Another day...................what will tomorrow hold?

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