Sunday, March 15, 2020

Coronavirus and SPRINGTIME!

Well, the coronavirus has found its way into New Mexico and into Santa Fe...............small numbers affected so far, thank goodness.

Schools closed for three weeks yesterday, that is, spring break for one week, and the first two weeks of the summer term. WOW!! And libraries, community centers, and such like, too!  Everyone is repeatedly being told to keep your distance from other humans.

It really is frightening when the total TV news coverage focuses on the virus - and the unpresidential statements made by Trump. He made a national TV statement this past week, reading from a teleprompter, and looked so uncomfortable, so unpresidential. In many ways he's worse than the virus in that EVERYBODY is affected by his daily behaviors.

Meanwhile, the one good thing for me is that Jeannine is now home with me for three weeks..........although her first day of the springbreak, yesterday, the 14th March, she spent in bed.....all day! Sneezing, etc., because of her persistent allergies.

So, now that spring is showing signs of life in and around our gardens, we planted a couple of new trees, and this morning I watered and fertilized all o0f the trees...................hope they enjoy their special lunch today! And the sun is trying to get through the clouds and the air temperature is warming up.

Oh, as I write, my computer, on my lap, is suddenly reflecting the rays of the sun!! THANK YOU, Mother Nature!
Bless your cotton socks!

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