Colorado has established itself as one of the national leaders in education innovation, and we continue to see encouraging results in schools and districts across the state. As a critical part of this development, we have focused on what it will take to attract, develop and retain a world-class supply of teachers and principals. The gate that regulates the flow of these talented educators is our state system of licensure, a system that has not seen a real upgrade since 1991. While innovative for that time, it was built for a vastly different labor market than the one we live in now.
To that end, we will convene a working group to engage all of the major stakeholders in helping us develop comprehensive and ambitious legislative recommendations for the 2014 session. We know that we will soon have a generation of teachers retiring, and that we currently lose 50 percent of our teachers in their first five years for reasons that include lack of opportunities for career growth.
We also know that today's young professionals are more mobile than ever: The average graduate of college in 2013 will have between eight and 10 different careers in his or her lifetime. And it is now common knowledge that teacher effectiveness is the most important school factor that determines a student's success; the second most important factor is the effectiveness of the school leader.
We must adapt and build a 21st century licensure system that recruits highly talented career changers and other non-traditional candidates and then provides the training and ongoing support that they need to be successful. We must ensure that our rural districts can take advantage of skilled and committed community leaders who want to serve their state by teaching, instead of letting important teaching positions go unfilled for weeks or months on end. At the same time, we must also take a hard look at the quality of teacher and principal preparation programs in our state and offer them more flexibility to innovate and adapt.
We have built a world-class teacher and principal evaluation system that links evaluations to student growth and observation, and yet we have a licensure system that routinely renews licenses regardless of performance and forces expert teachers and novice teachers alike to go through the same mandated professional development, regardless of their skills and needs. We should instead consider linking our evaluation system to grant professional licenses based on strong performance, allow those who are consistently effective to have their license automatically renewed, and ensure that teachers who need support get professional development targeted to their areas of growth.
Finally, we should identify excellent teachers and principals with the skills and knowledge to be outstanding coaches and peer evaluators who will help mentor and develop a new generation of educators. We propose developing a set of career pathways that will offer some of our best educators more responsibility and compensation to stay in the classroom while providing challenging opportunities for others to become school or district level leaders.
Reps. Millie Hamner and Carol Murray as well as Sen. Owen Hill have already stepped up to help lead this critical bipartisan effort. Over the coming months, the Donnell-Kay Foundation will support an inclusive stakeholder process that will gather feedback from all over the state and help make an update of educator licensure a top priority in the 2014 legislative session.
John Hickenlooper is governor of Colorado. State Sen. Michael Johnston is a Democrat from Denver.