Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Mid July.......The early morning walk............

6.10 a.m.

As the sun was rising and lighting up everything around me, the first thing I spotted outside my front gate was this beautiful bird, then my morning bunny who  said 'Hello' as it sped past, charging into the undergrowth.

Avoiding an early morning black beetle
crossing my path and then staring at the elongated shadow of my body, I felt so comfortable walking down the front path to start my mile and a bit walk. Forecast to be close to a 100' around nine o'clock, the temperature was just right, and, no wind! Great!

Then, charging across my path I saw an orangy-tan colored spider, the like of which I have never seen before. Damn it, I thought, I didn't bring my camera with me.

So, as soon as I got home, close to 7, I looked up NM spiders in my computer...........and discovered that the spider was a BROWN RECLUSE!!! And that spider, if it bit me, would cause a big health problem!!


Later, near the end of the afternoon, I took a short drive to Galisteo Basin Preserve where I fed the goldfish!

(I wish this weather would change.........too many very, very hot days and NO rain! How the wild plants, trees, birds, mammals and smaller forms of life survive, beats me.)A mid evening drive to Pecos (about twenty miles north of Eldorado) where it had just rained and where the temperature was mid 60s,  we had a super picnic..........................

And the next morning, see what Jeannine found in our garden!!

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