Sunday, July 14, 2019

My 77th birthday....

.......began with a walk ar 6.20 a.m. around the block as the sun rose with Jeannine. Super walk, too, although early for the ants to be out and about but we did see a little bunny scampering around................

Then, a very tasty egg and bacon and toast brekkie and two cups of steaming  hot, followed by watering all the needy plants and bushes and trees (and they were desperate), a lie down with Fif and Berie, then a really hot, relaxing shower, and eventually off to Albuguerge.........................stopping first at the beautiful red rocks for some pictures, lunch at Pei Wei (a bowl of delicious hot and sour soup, and crab whatever the're called) , then Target shopping, for this and that and cat food, of course,  and, as the temperature hovered around the mid 90s, into the car and, 70 miles later, back home by 3........

Mid evening yummee birthday dinner in the beautiful back garden after a solo walk around the block, watching the busy ants as I walked, hundreds of them busy collecting food for their home community............a fab, fab day for an old bald-headed Brit's birthday..! rained ay 8 o.clock!! YEAH!!!!!!

SEE!! I can jump!!



1 comment:

Polly said...

Boy is Jeannine taking care of you! And you look GREAT!