Sunday, July 14, 2019

My Senior Scientist class at the Adams Senior Center...........

Now entering its second year of weekly science classes, I do look forward each Monday to interacting with my Senior Scientists.

The participants, all with really interesting academic/professional backgrounds, appear to so enjoy talking with each other, seeing what's in my pocket museums,  and learning about Mother Nature's delights....................

This week's class (July 15th) focuses on celebrating Sara's 87th. birthday, breaking and releasing a star on her behalf, reading Steinbeck's description of his favorite teacher, sharing my observations on the ants that live around us, then a science quiz....................oh, and a group scientific search for meteor dust!!

Sara's star.................

Sara enjoying the cakes brought in by Nancy.........................

I shall also tell them some good mouse stories............................. 

Birthday balloons for me from Bruce.......

This coming Monday, July 22nd, I'm taking the group to Galisteo for a walk......I think they'll like it.

They did - and found lots of really beautiful pebbles...............................

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