Thursday, December 21, 2017

Eldorado at Santa Fe


So..........the thought came to me around 3 this I'm handwriting a journal each and every day, I'm neglecting my, today, December 21st, I'm going to start blogging again......and share it with the Eldorado NEXTDOOR, the media system that is very local to where I now live.........ok, here goes ( I know, incidentally, that no one will read it except me, but that's's just that I have more and more of the drive to write what's buzzing in my head).

So, here's the day!

I'm sitting in front of the big windows that overlook the back walled's where I sit every morning and every evening in particular, watching the sun rise and the sun set........always so colorful, so beautiful.

It's a surprise to me that the birds appear to enjoy the landscaping that we did when we moved here mid summer. It's also a suprise to me that there is such a variety of birds, big and small, that visit each and every day, enjoying the variety of snacks I put out for them. In particular, they enjoy the fresh water I put into the bird bowls at least three times a day. I can't imagine where they obtain their water other than in's now over 80 days since we had any moisture here in Eldorado......80 days!!

I can't tell you what birds are coming to the feeders. There's a big variety but my fading memory has discarded their names from my memory bank (to think, I used to know the names and the life styles of all the birds that came and had their breakfast, lunch and dinner when I lived in Colorado. Not any more). But, hey, who cares? It doesn't stop me watching and enjoying how they hop around, digging and scratching, and filling their tummies. I do miss the jays.......they were frequent visitors during the summer and autumn, pecking and eating at least 3 corncobs a day. Now there's just a couple of blue jays that come but are not interested in the fresh corn on the cob I hang from the tree. hey, hey. they'll be bacl when spring comes, yes?

OK, enough for Eldorado Blog One.........well, for this morning, anyway!

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