Sunday, May 3, 2020

May 1st, 1912

It was my Dad's, Arthur Charles,  birthday on Friday, May was, in fact, his 108th birthday! 108...................oh, my........................

Long gone, but never forgotten, I took him with me in my head on my morning hike to Galisteo Water Preserve, a beautiful trail not too far from home, one of huge white, jagged rocks, countless pinion trees, cacti, yucca, and , of course, sandy desert soil.

As I walked, I pointed out everything of interest to Dad.........he'd never been to a desert before, and was so taken aback to see the spiders, the beautiful flowering cacti..............and the long tailed lizards...........and especially the little goldfish I feed that live in the horse trough next to the windmill.

When I saw and picked up a small wishing rock, he smiled......................."Can you remember the Sunday afternoons we used to go to the beach and pick up wishing rocks?'

Oh, yes, I can I ever forget. It was those walks with my mum and dad that were the highlight of my childhood...............

When I got back home, Jeannine, my wife,  smiled so warmly when I told her that Arthur Charles had been with me..........

Bless you, Dad................bless you.....fancy another walk soon?

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