Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Getting involved with education in Santa Fe schools................

MR. SCIENCE, a volunteer science teacher in Santa Fe schools, came over for a cup of tea and a chat this morning.

Great, great gentleman and a REAL physicist. He's recently reired from Los Alamos........home of the Manhattan Bomb Project............where David worked as assistant to Robert Oppenheimer.

After a long conversation where we swapped tales about our involvement in science education, I told him about my current involvement with the organization that sends judges to School Science Fairs, and my upcoming I'm a Scientist workshop/classes at my local elementary school - and he told me about his huge involement (over many years) in several projects/schools.

The consequence was that he will, I hope, open doors for me to get more involved, starting this coming Thursday when I will go and observe him at work.


I went to watch him at work with a class of very attentive sixth graders..........he certainly came over as

Kids obviously are much taken by him.

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