Friday, April 8, 2016

Spring has sprung!

Well, what a start this morning to a beautiful morning!

As I early-morning watered some baby trees I'd planted last week, Bertie, our young fella cat, brought my attention to a dead snake................thinking that I'd keep it and show some kids, I put it into a plastic see-through container, and left it lying on the grass.

That done, I took a short drive and went for a walk  across the Cherry Creek Trail, eyes, as always, glued to the ground.

I knew it was going to be a dead good day when I picked up a prairie dog skull and jawbones lying close to the first prairie dog home I passed.

Close by there was a collection of small rocks, including some petrified wood........and.......
a wishing rock!!

Crikey, I KNEW then it was, indeed, going to be a dead good day!

When I got home, I emptied my pockets of the bones and rocks and washed them, put them in a jam jar, ready to use at my next science workshop.

As I was drying my hands, my phone binged and I checked my text - it was from Carol, my neighbor. 'Hey, look out the back!' it read.

I went to the deck, looked out, and saw..................25 wild turkeys!!!!!

WHAT a day!!
Yep, spring has sprung!!

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