Saturday, April 11, 2015

Wow!! It's really SPRINGTIME!

I'm just back from a walk around the lake in Denver City Park.............the first time out for me in about a week, confined, as I was, to bed because of strep - which, I hasten to add, ain't for sissies.

It might be my age or it might be because I've been ill, or a combination of both, but, this afternoon, for the first time in my life, I really sensed what spring was about.

First of all, the park was packed. That alone tells me what spring means to us humans. Kids were playing, adults walking and talking, joggers jogging, and cyclists pedaling lazily, all soaking in the bright sun and oh-so-fresh air.

As I walked, the air felt, well, like fresh, spring air. I saw so many things that quite literally made me stop and star.

I wish I were a poet, then, perhaps, I could do justice to the day, but, alas, I'm not, so I'll let my photos tell the rest of my walk in the spring story.

The Canada Geese were in fine form - swimming, flying, yakking.......

Then I saw, lying by this tree..........

this poor fella............whom, I hope, had seen several springs before sadly passing away......

A dog barked loudly and, suddenly, all the birds left the water and flew back to their nesting spots.......

I walked a bit further and came across this young lady.........

She took a look at me and said firmly 'Push off', she squawked, 'can't you see I'm busy?'

Her partner, though,  waddled across to me and asked how I was.
When I asked his name, he was so shy he hid her face.........

And, then, close to the water, I saw.......

Yellow blossom - oh, my, how beautiful!
And then beautiful pink.......

And, under my feet, the dandelions were already in flower. These English migrants sure do love it here in Colorado......they are already taking up so much space in my lawns!

More  pink blossom.........

.........filling up the sky

Just by the water edge, near then end of my walk, tucked safely close to the tree, these two mallards are REALLY taking spring-time to heart!
They looked exhausted.............:)

And this tall gentleman had already booked his place at his favorite restaurant......

The contrast between the evergreens, now in blossom, and the fir trees, was, well, I leave it to one of the firs whom I overheard saying to those around him: 'Mmm, showtime again. Here they come, these fancy skinny trees, it's that time of the year, showing off all their new colors and putting us to shame.....'

Hey, hey.............

I really did have the walk of walks.......................strep may not be for sissies, but, hey,
SPRING is for just everything and everybody!

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