Monday, March 4, 2019

Senior Science Class update

Yesterday at the Adams Senior Center we had our first science class get-together of the new year........every seat was taken!

After the 'Hey, it's great seeing you all again. It's been ages since we last met,' I opened up the meeting talking about Bertie and his research on cat ancestry. com, and his discovery!

He's got blue blood!

I told my group that I was fascinated to read the Ted Talk I recently saw on my computer when I was riding my daily ten minutes on the exercise bike. The theme was multi-tasking and I was mesmerized!

Later, I gave out handouts of my GreenTeacher article and the subsequent piece written by a couple of university lecturers who had adopted my pocket museum idea. I said I was very flattered.

Then, wanting my group to get physically and actively engaged, I handed out the materials to make marble runs - cereal boxes, paper, scissors, and glue.....and I sat back and watched the fun.

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