Monday, August 12, 2019

The BIG question

Ok....the BIG question......

I'm a retired educator, teacher of children, teacher of teachers.

I'm confused.

....... I consider myself a gentleman in that I show respect for everyone I come into contact;
........I open shop doors for those behind me
...... I patiently wait in shopping lines when necessary
........I pay my taxes
........I don't have the urge to 'grab women's pussies'
.......I know that climate change is potentially destructive
.......I love Mother Nature
........I believe all humans are equal
........I would not utter or think inappropriate thoughts about a daughter, if I had one
.......I have never ever described another human being in derogatory fashion
.......I  believe in the immigration concept, with appropriate systems in place to support those who wish to begin a new life in the USA
.......I believe all working folk should be paid enough to lead a good life
.....I believe in free public education for all ages
.......I believe we should create slower moving cars that don't require fossil fuel to drive them forward

OK..............I could go on.

My question:

What political party should I belong to????

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